2130. im not sure if it's the weather, or that im super dehydrated, or it's stress from work / aging / growing wider horizontally, etc but something is causing me to have these headaches that creeps from one part of my cranium to another from hour to hour.
it's not painful, per se, but it's fucking annoying to carry around as a burden at the back of your head while you work.
so i attempted to "hypnotise" myself into thinking that the pain can be "rubbed away" in my mind. here are the steps:
1. start by listening to some soothing music, preferably something like waves crashing on the shore, or light guitar instrumentals, or whatever floats your boat. if music is unavailable to you, try a silent place or use your mind to shut away the surrounding noise.
2. close your eyes and focus on the part of your head where it hurts in your mind.
3. while still holding your focus on the painful spot, use your mind to drive the blood away from that spot, imagining the fluids spreading away from the source in a radial pattern.
4. keep doing so for 5 minutes, going back and forth from source to radial pattern.
5. repeat if the pain shifts to another place.
this should work because your mind is in control of your entire body, including your brain at large. and imagining the blood being drawn away from the spot takes your attention away from the actual pain.
the pain should go away in 20 minutes. it worked for me, so the next time if you have a headache, you can try such self "hypnotism" too. have fun!
hmm what an innovative way to cure a headache... i usually solve my headaches in... ahem.. the usual way.
bro, you cure EVERYTHING with the usual way.
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